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Help - torrent

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LODOS Offline
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Post: #1
Help - torrent
i wanna download tv shows, music ect and iv heard the best way is using torrents
1. what is a torrent
2. how do i use one
3. are they any good/safe
4. whats the best one to use
25-06-2011 13:14
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skully Offline

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Post: #2
RE: help torrent
No links can be posted for 4, as we don't allow file sharing site info to be posted here, but you can get advice for your other queries.

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
25-06-2011 13:24
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Help - torrent
2. Download an application called a bittorent client - e.g. µTorrent, Vuze (formerly Azureus and a processor hog)
3. Can be good to find rarer stuff you can't find via regular filesharing protocols, but not particularly safe.
4. Google.

Flash the Gash...... ......Encrypted Shows...... ......Knickerless Daytime Clips...... ......Hotbox XXX...... ......Mic Left On Clips
25-06-2011 14:14
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aceman65 Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Help - torrent
BitTorrent & eMule are by far the best two that I have come across up to now. But with the recent copyright clamp-down, you will find that most of the popular sites are policed fairly heavily. So you are constantly running the risk of being traced. But as long as you use it sparingly, then you can find some good stuff.

You may also have to add the ports to your firewall, depending on which you use. Otherwise you may find your firewall will restrict the download speed.

But Skateguy is right. Use them at your own risk.
27-06-2011 15:35
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