OK I'll rise to the bait and expose myself to potential ridicule.
I don't know exactly when this tape was made, but I'm guessing around 1993 - it's very much early 90s with only the odd one or two 80s tracks in there.
Sorry it's only a D90, I didn't stretch to 120 minute tapes, I was a hard-up student at the time

and I think my cassette player either just chewed longer tapes or started playing them at slower speeds because it couldn't cope with the extra weight on the reels
Quite often, mix tapes wouldn't last long, they would get taped over by the next batch of songs that took my fancy; but this relic and a few others have somehow survived...
Why these particular tracks ?
Well I dunno, looking at them now - I'm guessing a mellow, even melancholy/ downbeat mood at the time and a penchant at that time for acoustic-y / jangly-guitar type tracks to reflect that.
They would have been particular favourites from albums that I was listening to/playing to death during that period of 1992 / 1993, I would guess.
Side A
Find The River - REM (
Automatic For The People)
Just a simple beautiful melody, and a doom laden lyric I always assumed was about how climate change was going to drown us all.
Stay - Belly (
Classic jangly arpeggio melody, of the kind that REM had a monster hit with in Everybody Hurts around the same period
The Hook - Grant Lee Buffalo (
Dunno, just like it. It's a good album, I think I might dig the CD out again later.
Country - Paul Weller (
Wild Wood)
Very mellow. Just a good song.
You & Me - Neil Young (
Harvest Moon)
Acoustic melodic Neil was making a comeback at this time, he also had a live MTV UnPlugged album out
Drivin' On 9 - The Breeders (
Last Splash)
Very atypical of the album, which is probably better known for the stop-start monster track "Cannonball".
Omaha - Counting Crows (
August and Everything After)
Yes, seem to have been on a bit of an acoustic Americana trip. Mandolins. I'm a sucker for them.
Hannah & Gabi - The Lemonheads (
It's A Shame About Ray)
Really liked this album, lot of good tracks.
She Hits Me - The 4 of Us (
Man Alive)
A good tune. You think it's a love song, but then it turns out to be an alcoholic hymn of praise to the demon drink
Whispers & Moans - Crowded House (
One of my favourite albums.
High and Dry - Radiohead (
The Bends)
Controversially, I think to this day I prefer this album to the more lauded follow-up OK Computer
Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken? - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions (
yep -1984, well out of period; but appropriate sonically and moodwise.
Side B
I Don't Know Where It Comes From - Ride (
Carnival of Light).
Complete with choir, trying its best to be the Rolling Stones "You Can't Always Get What You Want" but no worse for that in my view.And I liked the lyric "Turned On The Radio tonight and I was overwhelmed by shite"
In My Life - The Beatles (
Rubber Soul)
FOUL! You cry - 1960s - disqualified! What can I say, I went from 90s indie-Stones-sound-a-like to Yer Actual Bona Fide Moptops. Roll with it.
The Beatles & The Stones - The House of Love (
The House Of Love)
Can the free-association possibly be more transparent ?
Cigarette Girls - The Bible (
late 80s that one I think. Boo Hewerdine I believe is still making music.
Untogether - Belly (
Second appearance by Tanya Donelly of Throwing Muses and Breeders fame. It's a great album. The lyrics of this track are fantastic.
Sweetness Follows - REM (
Automatic For the People)
Doomy strings. Can't beat 'em.
Scarlet - All About Eve (
Scarlet and Other Stories ).
Late 80s again. Well, what can I say, when you're at art college on a course with Goth girls some of it's going to wear off
You Won't Listen To Me - The River Detectives (
Saturday Night & Sunday Morning) Late 80s.
Under-rated Scots duo singing in their natural accents. The world wasn't big enough for them and The Proclaimers, evidently There Could Only Be One.
An example of the folk song form the roundelay, this track does push repetition to its limits though, which is what I think I like about it.
Polly - Nirvana (
Well it was hard to be a student in the early 90s and ignore Nirvana. I did try my best but they wore me down. I think what I like about this track though is it takes the quiet-loud-quiet-loud formula, and forgets to do the loud bits, and manages to have a melody
Looking Glass - The La's (
The La's)
The classic indie-band-that-should-have-done-more-but-didn't, before The Stone Roses took that crown. Always finish Side 2 of your mix tape with a big anthemic instrumental crescendo building to a climax
And there you have it.
Not sure if I'll find more, I think I tended to mix current 90s indie with the 60s and 70s stuff that all the 90s indie bands I liked were ripping-off -returning to the source if you like