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FAO Kelly Bell

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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #1
FAO Kelly Bell
I don't know why the thread's been closed, Kelly. Very rude of the moderator in that we were in the middle of a conversation, but here's the reply I tried to post in response to your last:

Kelly Bell Wrote:Why it has to be me of course!

Far from it, Kelly. You come across as a very polite and pleasant lady - what is there not to like there? It's no secret, however, that I don't find silicone implants attractive. I don't understand why women have them done and I don't understand how anyone can find them attractive - and I think this is where the misunderstanding that I don't like you has come from.

When I get defensive - which is what I did when the idiots came along to this thread and attacked me for doing nothing more than airing my opinion - I sometimes say things that I don't really mean, with the sole purpose of annoying these people further. I don't know you, Kelly, and if I appeared to be passing judgement then I apologise. As I say, from these replies alone, you strike me as being very pleasant.

As for personality, it matters more than anything, but with these babe channels all we have to go off is the looks. I refuse to waste my money calling these shows, so getting to know any of the girls that way is out of the question.

Quite honestly, the only thing that matters to me is that the girl is polite, friendly and sincere, but when they look like Barbie dolls I find it difficult to get beyond that - in the same way that women find if difficult to get beyond the fact that I'm fat and ugly. That's maybe wrong and hypercritical, but there you go.
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2009 13:19 by StanTheMan.)
12-06-2009 13:14
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Timbo Offline
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Post: #2
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
May have closed because Kelly asked it to be.
12-06-2009 13:19
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #3
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
Timbo Wrote:May have closed because Kelly asked it to be.

Ah. Thanks, Timbo.
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2009 13:20 by StanTheMan.)
12-06-2009 13:20
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Sm© Away

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Post: #4
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
Kelly didnt ask for it to be closed.
The thread was going off topic.
12-06-2009 13:22
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Kelly Bell Offline
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Post: #5
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
D'oh! Just as I was going off line I spot my name!

Well you have explained & thank you & I hold out my hand & understand what you have said here.

I have a lot of friends on here-people that didn't know me, some didn't like me but we have chatted & they have gotten to know & understand me better-I also spend a lot of time in the chatroom talking rubbish about allsorts & answer any of their questions honestly they may have.

I'm kinda developing a sort of 'Family' thing here as I chat & banter so much, so I really do understand where they are coming from & jump to my defence, as you have noticed.

I asked yesterday for the thread to be closed as I could see it going way out of hand, but I thought I have better calm things so that didnt happen. After all-we all want the forum to continue-right?

Sure some of your words hurt like hell & if you read over them I'm sure you will understand my feelings.

I come here because I get the right banter & I enjoy that. I certainly dont need to come here to promote Kelly Bell. Some of the girls that are worshipped here slate the forum & I cant repeat what they say about the people here-fact. In fact one girl left her mike on & was heard to say "Fucking tw@t thinks I actually like him" so yes girls can be bitches too. cruel & hurtful.

But Im here, some like me some dont but never the less I do enjoy it here & here I will stay, answering questions, posting pics, dragging the like of Kalel back & so on.

Thanks for your post & perhaps we can get on better now.


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12-06-2009 13:39
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dondoe returns Offline
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Post: #6
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
Like it when a girl takes time for her fans Big Grin Cool
12-06-2009 14:21
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #7
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
Kelly Bell Wrote:Sure some of your words hurt like hell & if you read over them I'm sure you will understand my feelings.

Well, as I explained Kelly, those things were said largely to annoy your fans, so don't take them too personally.
12-06-2009 14:31
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #8
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
lets move on from this now and get on

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
12-06-2009 15:30
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bobbistuff Offline
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Post: #9
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
Kelly Bell Wrote:D'oh! Just as I was going off line I spot my name!

Well you have explained & thank you & I hold out my hand & understand what you have said here.

I have a lot of friends on here-people that didn't know me, some didn't like me but we have chatted & they have gotten to know & understand me better-I also spend a lot of time in the chatroom talking rubbish about allsorts & answer any of their questions honestly they may have.

I'm kinda developing a sort of 'Family' thing here as I chat & banter so much, so I really do understand where they are coming from & jump to my defence, as you have noticed.

I asked yesterday for the thread to be closed as I could see it going way out of hand, but I thought I have better calm things so that didnt happen. After all-we all want the forum to continue-right?

Sure some of your words hurt like hell & if you read over them I'm sure you will understand my feelings.

I come here because I get the right banter & I enjoy that. I certainly dont need to come here to promote Kelly Bell. Some of the girls that are worshipped here slate the forum & I cant repeat what they say about the people here-fact. In fact one girl left her mike on & was heard to say "Fucking tw@t thinks I actually like him" so yes girls can be bitches too. cruel & hurtful.

But Im here, some like me some dont but never the less I do enjoy it here & here I will stay, answering questions, posting pics, dragging the like of Kalel back & so on.

Thanks for your post & perhaps we can get on better now.

its not difficult to understand why you are so popular kelly with the people on here....the time...trouble you take....and humour you put into your posts is special....course being helluva sexy helps too....
12-06-2009 17:48
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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #10
RE: FAO Kelly Bell
I think Kelly's a breath of fresh air on here as she seems so genuine and honest about a lot of things and isn't just here plugging everything and endlessly defending herself and arguing like some of the other girls do.

I'm not naive enough to think the girls like their callers and I know most of the girls hate them but that's their job and I don't care as long as I have a good time talking to them. Clearly Kelly really values her fans though, as evidenced by the amount of time she spends on here in the chatroom, posting and answering PM's.

I don't know about the thread that's being discussed here but I know that no girl is going to be attractive to absolutely everyone and I'm sure everyone can understand that but there are ways of putting things that don't hurt anyone. I know the people on here are just words on a screen or models on TV and you don't know them, but they're still people and when they get attacked, it can hurt.
12-06-2009 18:24
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