Where should the OSGs for telephone number for Naked Babestation go ?
Don't have the telephone number, and instead have this on a poster/board at the back of the set (say on top the Live Show neon sign). 13.64%
3 13.64%
At the start of the show for say 1 to 2 minutes to give people time to write it down, then remove it. 4.55%
1 4.55%
Smaller and more to the edge of the screen (top area somewhere) 18.18%
4 18.18%
Smaller and more to the edge of the screen (bottom area somewhere) 31.82%
7 31.82%
Don't display the number at all as people will know it by now, and they can get the number via the URL they have in top-right anyway 9.09%
2 9.09%
I don't care as I either don't watch this, can't watch this, or don't have an opinion one way or the other 22.73%
5 22.73%
Total: 22 votes 100%