Posts: 8,304
Joined: Jan 2010
RE: South Park
to be perfectly honest I don't really know what to make of South Park this season, some of the episode's have been really funny, other's to me have been extremely disturbing and have touched on issues which no other show would touch with a bargepole. Some have even given me nightmare's. But this serie's has really evolved, when it first hit the screens back in 1998 it relied soley on toliet humour and the plot's allways revolved around how to kill Kenny, so it has moved on. These day's it seems to have a political message running through it. One thing I would like to congratulate it on is the way it stand's up to the way Amercia is run and is never shy to stray away from anything controversial. The message's that run through each episode is very real unlike the Simpsons which is pure fiction and Family Guy which just depends on humour and not so much a plot. Anyway South Park is here to stay and long may it continue, like they say you just have no idea which turn the next episode is going to take based on the fact they are written new from week to week to keep the topic as relevent as possible. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are absolute genius's who have a style of writing that is truly unique and could never be imitated. Also just to add I think the Scott Tenorman Must Die episode was a definate turning point for South Park towards the end of serie's 4. I remember watching that at the time and thinking at the very end, fuck me, they've done it now, it was simply astonishing, it will go down in history as one of the best ever episode's to date.
(This post was last modified: 14-04-2012 16:17 by Scottishbloke.)
14-04-2012 16:03 |
Censorship :-(
Sadly, no more caps. :-(
Posts: 5,362
Joined: May 2009
Reputation: 52
RE: South Park
What's the deal with "South Park" and censorship?
I remember seeing "South Park" on (I think) C4 some years back, and, throughout (IIRC), the strong language was censored (bleeped), which I assumed was 'how it was', but, recently, 5Star has been showing S15 & 16, and the first few episodes broadcast were uncensored, then back to the bleeping, then a single uncensored episode, and back to bleeping again? What's going on?
I also noticed that 5Star's adverts for it said 'uncut and uncensored'!
23-05-2017 15:30 |