custodes qui custodiet
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RE: Poll: The Posting of Sensitive Material
(04-12-2011 04:34 )StanTheMan Wrote: (04-12-2011 02:00 )eccles Wrote: When channels routinely deliberately flout the regulations to push up viewer numbers on channels anyone can watch, why should we keep quiet about it? Accidents are different.
That may well be the case, eccles, but I think you'll find Ofcom would consider your logic arse-about-tit.
The shows are public. If a channel routinely does something it knows is against the rules to get viewer numbers up, word will get out. The channel can hardly blame anyone else if it gets caught publically breaking the rules on a schedule. Obviously I wish the rules were more lenient and the punishments less severe, but dont blame the fans for the channels own actions.
Whats the alternative? We ban people from even discussing shows in case Ofcom can read as well? OK, I have sympathy for the Lets-Not-Make-It-Easy-For-Them line, and understand Dazamans point, but this forum loses a lot of vaue if the good stuff is left out.
Think I suggested ages ago that people post caps, but leave out the channel numbers days and times. Is that a sensible compromise?
Gone fishing
04-12-2011 23:21 |
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RE: Poll: The Posting of Sensitive Material
(08-12-2011 20:09 )Cpe Wrote: I'm royally pissed off. First off, Ofcom regulates the Channels, the Channels then have to regulate the girls and now we're potentially being monitored by them. We will lose a whole lot from this forum if we have to watch what we Cap or say.
It's worst than that. Ofcom get to regulate the channels websites as well despite having no power to regular the web. As soon as a channel shows it's website address Ofcom can step in and demand they take down anything horny.
My point was going to be Total Ban - No, Sensible - Yes. Allow normal chat but don't signpost it in 10 meter high neon letters. One thread dedicated to vids of good stuff and nothing else is going to attract attention. But spread it round put content in threads about models on channels and you are looking at over 50 threads, perhaps 100s. No way can The Great Mary check all those.
Remember if it's spotted after 30 days the channels don't have to supply recordings.
Stick 2 fingers up to Ofcom - Sign
09-12-2011 00:23 |
Posts: 898
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: Poll: The Posting of Sensitive Material
This thread was thought up by StantheMan behind the bike sheds with is 12 yr old mates I'm sure. Don't post in case Ofcom are watching, what a load of Absolute bollocks. So you Stan are now wanting censorship of the forums, so why the fuck do you sign on line petitions to get more freedom for the babechannels. My suggestion would be if anyone as material they want to submit to this forum, get it posted right now and fuck the consequences. This is a forum for gods sake. That means a place where the public can air their views on anything they please. And if that meant all the wank channels were to close, then so be it. If we can't say what we want on a forum, then what is the point of them existing. With this thread you have just proved to us what a load of crap you sometimes talk. And also I am totally at a loss to see why some members post in agreement with you. You have not only accepted ofcoms rules, but you are going out of your way to implement them. shame on you.
12-12-2011 15:33 |
Posts: 3,790
Joined: May 2009
RE: Poll: The Posting of Sensitive Material
Here's an idea. Go find yourself a dictionary and look up the word 'poll'. I don't recall giving my opinion on this matter, and yet you've somehow managed to assume I'm in favour of banning caps and vids of slips. How did you come by this assumption?
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2011 17:04 by StanTheMan.)
12-12-2011 16:58 |