Hasta la vista, baby!
Posts: 4,675
Joined: Sep 2011
Reputation: 131
RE: Jokes
A horse and a chicken are playing in a meadow. The horse falls into a mud hole and starts to sink. He entreats the chicken to get the farmer to help pull him to safety. The chicken runs to the farm, but the farmer can't be found. So, he drives the farmer's Mercedes back to the mud hole, ties some rope around the bumper and pulls the horse to safety.
A few days later, the chicken and the horse are playing in the meadow again, and the chicken falls into a mud hole. The chicken yells to the horse to get help from the farmer. The horse says, "Wait, I think I can stand over the hole!" So, he stretches over the width of the hole and says, "Grab my penis and pull yourself up." The chicken does and pulls himself to safety.
The moral of the story: if you are hung like a horse, you don't need a Mercedes to pick up chicks.
MK11 aka Mortal Kombat 11 - Spawn (DLC) vs Shao Kahn intro:
Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves.
Shao Kahn: Over my dead body.
Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
13-06-2013 22:05 |
Hasta la vista, baby!
Posts: 4,675
Joined: Sep 2011
Reputation: 131
RE: Jokes
Q: What does sex have in common with savings accounts?
A: You lose interest once you make a withdraw.
A boss tells a blonde applicant, "I'll give you $8 an hour, starting today, and in three months, I'll raise it to $10 an hour. So, when would you like to start?"
"In three months."
A guy goes into a tattoo parlor and asks for a tattoo of a $100 bill on his penis. Curious, the tattoo artist asks him why he would possibly want that.
"Three reasons: I like to play with my money, I like to watch my money grow, and a hundred dollars seems to be the only thing my wife will blow these days."
MK11 aka Mortal Kombat 11 - Spawn (DLC) vs Shao Kahn intro:
Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves.
Shao Kahn: Over my dead body.
Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
14-06-2013 18:39 |
Hasta la vista, baby!
Posts: 4,675
Joined: Sep 2011
Reputation: 131
RE: Jokes
Two men debate whether Hawaii is pronounced "HaVaii" or "HaWaii."
They ask a passerby, who answers "Havaii."
"Thank you," says the satisfied first man.
"You're velcome," replies the passerby.
A young man goes to the department store to pick out a pair of gloves for his sweetheart. He is accompanied by his sweetheart's sister, who purchases a pair of panties. Unfortunately, the bags get mixed up, and the man ends up sending his sweetheart the pair of panties, along with this heartfelt note:
"Dearest Darling,
I chose these because I noticed that you are not in the habit of wearing any when we go out. Your sister was very insistent that the shorter fashions are easiest to remove. I know these are a delicate shade, but the salesgirl showed me a pair that she's been wearing for three weeks, and they were hardly soiled. When she tried them on for me, she really quite smart.
The salesgirl recommends that you blow in them when you take them off as they will naturally be a little damp. Also, be sure to keep them on when you clean them or they might shrink.
I wish I could put them on you for the first time, but no doubt, other men's hands will touch them before I have a chance to see you again. Regardless, I'm sure all who see you in these will have great admiration for my excellent taste and your fine looks."
MK11 aka Mortal Kombat 11 - Spawn (DLC) vs Shao Kahn intro:
Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves.
Shao Kahn: Over my dead body.
Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
15-06-2013 16:50 |