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Some forum stats

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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #81
RE: Some forum stats
(30-09-2013 22:50 )misterG Wrote:  And that leads on to the second point, which is the amount of vitriol and bad-mouthing that goes on - with some of the hateful and insulting comments that appear every day, its no wonder so few girls come on here anymore and it discourages 'normal' comment for fear of becoming a target yourself.

Funny you should mention that because I fully back up your sentiments also. I was going to post more or so of exactly the same things which you've just mentioned.

These days I'm getting genuinely afraid to post my honest views, I am getting a hard time from a certain mob who have had it in for me for a good while. I even have some prick outside of this forum that is impersonating me badly via another fake twitter page in my name.

Anything I post here getting twisted and manipulated. I have been subject to a lot of hurtful comments hurtled in my direction so yes when you see this level of abuse taking place then it must surely discourage anybody from posting from fear that they might be the next target for this ever increasing forum lynch mob here.

Sometime's I wonder why I bother, I share caps and videos of the shows. It's not for my benefit as I have SKY but I like to be generous and give other forum members the opportunity to see something that they have perhaps missed due to a number of reasons.

Since I joined this forum in 2010 things have certainly become a lot less friendly round here. Where I will take issue however is that everybody has the right to discuss the various shows whether it be in a positive manner or a negative one because that's what should in theory lead to a healthy debate.

Far too much point scoring antics is going on and ruining many a discussion which ought to really be taking place at a civil level. Forum arguments are fine just so long as they don't get out of hand and cross into what I would call personal insults. One comment that has always driven me nuts since day 1 of this forum is that old chestnut "If you don't like it then don't watch it" If I had a pound for every time I had to read that then I'd pack my real job in as I'd be a very wealthy man. It does nothing to the discussion other than cause ill feelings which is usually where it ends up all going nasty.

Maybe the right course of action right now is for everybody to call a truce because if the nasty insulting arguments keep taking place then numbers joining up to this forum are going to get less and less Important
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2013 00:11 by Scottishbloke.)
01-10-2013 00:09
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Sooky™ Offline
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Post: #82
RE: Some forum stats
(01-10-2013 00:09 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Maybe the right course of action right now is for everybody to call a truce because if the nasty insulting arguments keep taking place then numbers joining up to this forum are going to get less and less Important

So does that mean no more references to "forum bastards" then? Wink

The problem on here isn't with arguments, or fighting, or disagreements - it's with the increasingly perpetual 'bitching'. If people spent less time banging on about "cliques", "lynch mobs", "gangs" etc which only serve to make it all out to be more than it is and thus fuel the paranoia of those who erroneously feel personally got at then there'd be a lot less hassle on here. The paranoia of hate on here has created an environment of fear, not the supposed 'hate' itself. If that was the case, then why was the forum at it's most active when there were fights breaking out all over the place back in the early years?

If someone disagrees with you, even if they get ridiculously heated, you don't have to rise to it. People are flawed, they'll make too big a deal at times. But so what? Is it that important? Too many people take so much unimportant crap seriously on here. It's the same as a school playground. If you think someone's picking on you, you don't make a big deal about how they're picking on you as all you're doing is inviting them to carry on picking on you.

If you don't like what someone says or how they respond to you, you don't have to react to it. The moment you do, you've entered into the argument and so no longer have grounds to complain about an argument taking place. You have become party to it. An argument can't be one sided.

And besides, surely a heated debate/argument is far better than every single thread (of which there are soooo many) simply being a succession of "she looks hot/I'd wank to her/nice tits" type comments. Then the place would die a death as nobody can read monotony......surely

(30-09-2013 22:50 )misterG Wrote:  its no wonder so few girls come on here anymore

As Charlemagne already stated, the reason they no longer come on here is because they no longer need to. Why come on here when they can log onto their own twitter accounts they already use. One platform rather than having to use many.

(This post was last modified: 01-10-2013 03:30 by Sooky™.)
01-10-2013 02:54
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #83
RE: Some forum stats
Thats fair comment sooky, however as I've stated when you have an imposter ouside this forum posting under your username and then tweeting certain models then it has just overstepped the mark from school-bullying into something bigger.

The fact that somebody would even go these lengths is truly sickening especially if the recipient of the tweet has taken them as true and factual.

Somebody posting under my username sent a nasty message to Bailey Cream for example. If she read it then she might have believed it to be true hence the reason I've had to put an emergency new signature at the bottom of my page.

It's very easy to be analytical about this when it's not you that is on the receiving end. Fair comment some things you can ignore but other things are not quite as easy to tolerate Important
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2013 03:13 by Scottishbloke.)
01-10-2013 03:13
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Sooky™ Offline
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Post: #84
RE: Some forum stats
(01-10-2013 03:13 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  It's very easy to be analytical about this when it's not you that is on the receiving end. Fair comment some things you can ignore but other things are not quite as easy to tolerate Important

I've had more than my fair share of abuse and bullshit on here and other places over the years. And you know what I learnt? Ignore it. In the past I reacted badly. That got nowhere. Instead, there is one member on here I had a massive argument way back when with. But now, we get on just fine cause we moved on from it and realised it wasn't worth anything.

By repeatedly bringing up the point of "haters" or "cliques" etc all that happens is people make it into a far bigger thing than it is. And in the process, all that happens is people end up giving credence to it all.

Likewise, by making a big deal about the twitter account all you're doing is essentially promoting it. And all that happens is people look at it as a case of "protesting too much......"

Now, you may say that the twitter account isn't you (I don't know and frankly don't care, just as I assume nobody else really cares either). But others will say that it is you. Does that automatically make it true that it is? No. Just as people saying there is a "clique" or a "mob" etc doesn't make that true either. But none of it really matters. Things only matter if we make them matter.

In an online world, it's best to try and have a thick skin

01-10-2013 03:26
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Clit Eastwood Offline
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Post: #85
RE: Some forum stats
As above... Or a stab proof vest...
01-10-2013 04:01
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #86
RE: Some forum stats
On a lighter note I was looking at the who's online now list and I happen to see this most nights and I can't help but wonder what's that all about. We seem to get some strange guests indeed. Printing Threads....... laugh

[Image: funny.jpg]
01-10-2013 04:28
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The Silent Majority Offline
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Post: #87
RE: Some forum stats
"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!"

Rabbie Burns
01-10-2013 07:37
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #88
RE: Some forum stats
What i would be interested to know, is the number of people visiting/viewing this forum in steady decline, i'm talking about guests and members combined just browsing this forum and not about posting numbers declining, is there stats available that can be checked to compare say the average number of people that's visited in the last six months or so compared to the previous 6 months and the six months before that etc ?, also can those stats be separated into the number of guests visiting and forum members visiting ? .
If the number of guests visiting is also declining then i shouldn't think that decline can be put down to to any arguments or fear of posting etc and can be put down to other reasons .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2013 11:21 by mr mystery.)
01-10-2013 10:42
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admin. Offline

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Post: #89
RE: Some forum stats
This is the current one year graph of site visitors available from Alexa:

[Image: image-5414_524AAC00.jpg]
01-10-2013 11:04
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Sooky™ Offline
The Rack Attack!!

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Post: #90
RE: Some forum stats
(01-10-2013 04:28 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Printing Threads....... laugh

[see original post for pic]

That'll be Ofcom gathering evidence with their hi-tech ways and means Wink

(This post was last modified: 01-10-2013 20:54 by Sooky™.)
01-10-2013 20:54
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