Aaanyway, I came on here simply to post that I'd recently been witness to some full-frontal female nudity in the show "Above Suspicion" on ITV3 this evening.

I know. Shocker.
Said nude female was a slender young actress in a speaking role, standing behind a banister rail at the top of a flight of stairs and next to the fully-clothed actress with whom she was speaking and also in full view of a character played by the lead actress (also fully-clothed).
The context was that the main character had entered a house owned by a disabled ex-cop (played by ex-Corrie favourite John "Ah
Sayyy" Savident) to interview him, but was instead confronted by the reality that the house was routinely used for the shooting of adult movies. The nude actress had wandered, bitching but untroubled by the detective's presence, onto the scene to whine about some minor detail or other, before being fobbed off by the second female.
The exposure was full body, full-length, full-frontal with both nipple and modest labial exposure. Exposure lasted for approximately 5 seconds plus.
The scene was screened
before 10pm.
I observed this in the presence of my grandmother (which was interesting). Personally I was not particularly troubled by the nudity, and the aforementioned grandmother remained silent throughout (as she had previously) and visibly unperturbed.
I did however, at the time of watching, consider the following two points:
1) The nudity seemed to be rather direct and obvious... I would even say gratuitous. by this I mean to say that there was no attempt to do anything other than show a fully naked young woman to the audience rather than try and be'artistic' or 'tastefully discrete' about it. Nope.
Bam! tits 'n fanny. There y'go.
2) The need for such a level of nudity seemed unjustified by the context. I shall explain myself! A girl clad in a g-string would have achieved the same end of suggesting an ongoing porn shoot in the building, as would a subtle three-quarter rear shot (bare butt and possible curve of side-boob; maybe even neither but just the suggestion of it instead?). The dialogue between nude and clothed women, and the ensuing dialogue between detective and Savident character (to the strains of a woman very obviously fucking in the next room) would have confirmed everything that one needed to know.
One assumes that this meets with the approval of the regulators as neither exceeding the expectations of a post-watershed viewing audience, nor breaching the regulations in terms either of content or context. (I assume such, because the show is on ITV3, implying a repeat; thus it must previously have passed the test of viewer complaints/Ofcom investigation or lack thereof).
So, should I have been offended?
Or does this mean that the viewing public accepts such levels of female nudity? The fact that the woman in question was portrayed as a porn actress preparing for sex and was of a rather titillating nature on many levels suggests that night-shows on the 900s may have a lot more leeway than we've previously thought.
Sorry to hammer away like this, but this case study warranted in-depth consideration, especially when Michelle Thorne (a real porn actress) was giving a very much less nude show at the same time!