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New Ofcom Rules

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broncobilly10 Offline
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Post: #361
RE: New Ofcom Rules
Let's hope for better sometime soon Smile
12-08-2011 14:45
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #362
RE: New Ofcom Rules
im hoping that too, hopefully ofcom will have changes happen to it soon

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
12-08-2011 15:29
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #363
RE: New Ofcom Rules
(11-08-2011 20:59 )Roquentin Wrote:  Well the guidance document from Ofcom specifically for the babechannel licensees does not only specify labial, but also anal and genital areas more generally. Sadly this example just looks like RLC trying to put up a slightly distracting defense, but the guidelines seem clear enough. Not agreeing with them but pointing out this is not a source of hope for defeating Ofcom or anything.

But RLC are dead right in what they say. The skin between the thigh and outer labia is NOT labia. So where's Ofcom's problem?
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2011 18:34 by StanTheMan.)
12-08-2011 17:19
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shankey! Offline
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Post: #364
RE: New Ofcom Rules
(12-08-2011 14:38 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Yes I'd agree with you their Rammy, Elite and probably Babestation too are the most consistent when it comes to working under ofcom rules at present with RLC also putting on the occasional top show too. But it's an absolute fucking joke and outrage that these channels are even regulated in the first place, why is the vagina so offensive to ofcom when it comes to a live show, it's got as much right to be seen as the tits do. With all safety measure's that are currently in place commonsense should really prevail, if we're stuck with ofcom all we can hope for is that any future committee panel look at the babe channels in a more favorable light unlike the present religious cretins running the board.

i agree ,somewhat overlooked is the jobs that they provide both in front and behind the camera,with ofcom poking their nose in every ones buisness and with todays climate you would think the government would be a bit more reasonable and understand that every little bit helps the economy !its not as if its glorifying violence or abuseHuh
12-08-2011 17:25
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continental19 Offline
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Post: #365
RE: New Ofcom Rules
There is an old old saying " what you reap you will so " in other words what Ofcom is doing and treating these Babe channels it'll eventually come back and bite them on the Arse hopefully sooner rather than later. I agree what's been said before about foreign licenses I.e. Babestation which Ofcom really have no control over, I don't no how difficult it is to get one? I truly do believe Ofcom no that there isn't anything wrong with these channels though they say they are, I think it's an easy way of making extra money off these channels. Unless all the babe channels can get a foreign licence then I think the status quo will remain the same.
On another note some people are saying that these channels exploit woman? another stupid statement, woman that choose to do this is of there own free will, nobody puts a gun to there head and say strip, this is what they choose to do for a living nothing more nothing less. Finally I would like to see the babe channels somehow do more to battle Ofcom " every little helps ";)
12-08-2011 17:47
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #366
RE: New Ofcom Rules
(11-08-2011 21:49 )Roquentin Wrote:  [snip] ... Of course I want to see more, but I can live with it as it is.

I'm not sure what you mean by that comment, Roquentin. We can all 'live' with the channels as they are - I don't think anyone's ready to top themselves over this just yet, but are you saying that in a roundabout kind of way you're content with things as they are?

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth here, just trying to qualify what you mean by your statement.

It's not about what we're not seeing on the babeshows anymore. It's all about frustration and anger that Ofcom are being allowed to do this.
12-08-2011 18:40
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #367
RE: New Ofcom Rules
(12-08-2011 17:47 )continental19 Wrote:  There is an old old saying " what you reap you will so " in other words what Ofcom is doing and treating these Babe channels it'll eventually come back and bite them on the Arse hopefully sooner rather than later...

I'm not so sure. Whatever the final outcome, Ofcom will walk away from this Scott free. No punishment, no retribution... just grinning from ear to ear knowing they were allowed to shit on the babeshows for so long.
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2011 18:44 by StanTheMan.)
12-08-2011 18:43
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continental19 Offline
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Post: #368
RE: New Ofcom Rules
(12-08-2011 18:43 )StanTheMan Wrote:  
(12-08-2011 17:47 )continental19 Wrote:  There is an old old saying " what you reap you will so " in other words what Ofcom is doing and treating these Babe channels it'll eventually come back and bite them on the Arse hopefully sooner rather than later...

I'm not so sure. Whatever the final outcome, Ofcom will walk away from this Scott free. No punishment, no retribution... just grinning from ear to ear knowing they were allowed to shit on the babeshows for so long.
Mmmh you have made a good point and I think you're right, I thought all these government cuts might of helped, but it seems they've had no effect at all. Well we can all hope something will happen for the good of the babe channels, let's put it this way they can't get anymore restrictive, if they do, the girls will be wearing jogging bottoms and a fleece top lol.Big Grin
12-08-2011 20:42
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chrisy Offline
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Post: #369
RE: New Ofcom Rules
I have just seen this latest rule. Now it seems ofcom have banned any 2 girls kissing or any contact between breasts. That was the whole idea of having a 241, now they have killed that off completly and it answers my question why Elite stopped them all of a sudden.

So ofcom are concerned young kids are watching these channels? Okay they should be in bed at least before midnight how about relaxing the rules a little after that time? And if the adults caught them watching the channels surely they should have them pin protected.

(11-08-2011 23:55 )Roquentin Wrote:  Just noticed (my bad) youre right, they have expanded on restrictions to girl-girl contact. The guidelines used to say just:

• ensure that where more than one presenter is in shot greater care is taken to avoid broadcasting the above images or language.

Which referred to the other 9 points (no breasts before 10 yadda yadda). But now it says, to quote eccles above:

(11-08-2011 21:03 )eccles Wrote:  Licensees should take particular care if two or more presenters appear together on screen. If there is any contact between the presenters of an erotic or sexual nature (for example kissing, stroking, or contact between thighs, breasts or genital areas) or any miming or simulation of a sexual act performed by one presenter on another, in Ofcom‟s view there is a high risk of causing serious or widespread offence against generally accepted standards.

This is very annoying. Previously it seemed to be pretty empty of content, just 'be more careful of points 1-9!', which they have to be anyways. But now lots of things appear to be not allowed. Not sure if it stops spanking, but I suppose so.

So maybe this was in response to babechannels seeking clarification on a pretty useless small bit of the earlier guidance, but if so it seems a very bad job. The conditional statement 'If xxxx then in Ofcom's view there is a high risk of causing blah blah blah'. Such a weasel sentence designed to cover their asses.
13-08-2011 08:51
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continental19 Offline
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Post: #370
RE: New Ofcom Rules
There's a saying " The best form of Defence is ATTACK " and me directing this comment right at the babe channels. We all have seen the latest Ofcom rules and we all agree they Hypercritical idiots, however they have laid the burden right at the door of the babe channels.
The question the babe channels Producers have to ask themselves is: our they happy just to go with the flow and see there ever dwindling callers gradually disappear of into the distance and eventually go bust, or are they prepared to fight it out with Ofcom or take it to a higher Authority?
It's a bit like when we were at school Ofcom are the bullies, and if you let the bullies get away with it they'll become stronger, if you face up to the bullies they'll back down and you'll realise that there not so tough as you thought.
The producers have to ask themselves this question: if they keep with the status quo they'll eventually go bust, or try and fight for what they and the public want. I think the producers of these companies have to make a decision not only for there livelihood but also for there employers I.E. The babes themselves because if the channels go under the babes will be out of a job, and next time you'll see them is stacking shelves somewhere not saying for one moment there's anything wrong with that, but we all would prefer them to be on our screens. I just hope the producers will step up to the plate and get back the babe channels of how they used to be!!!!
(This post was last modified: 13-08-2011 15:35 by continental19.)
13-08-2011 12:00
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