ATFC - 1992
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RE: Is censorship a necessary evil
TV is dumbing our society right down. More people then ever sit down in front of a T.V now and zone out to the adverts, I mean, TV programmes that are on. Once upon a time a very limited amount, BBC 1 and 2, ITV, now we have hundreds to pick from... Hundreds of channels, each and every one of them hand picked by the top dogs at Sky for us to watch. Why? It is believe it or not mind control for the masses. We are told what to buy with adverts and subliminal messages. It is mass condition.
As I have said in the past, it is NO coincidence Rupert Murdoch is behind Sky.
The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
06-10-2011 16:17 |
custodes qui custodiet
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RE: Is censorship a necessary evil
(04-10-2011 21:57 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote: Without censorship would the Babechannels and the forums such as this be a much more forbidding place to visit. Or would it bring a choice of freedom of expression, and a freedom of speech, to which I think we should all have access to. I ask the question because. remarkable as it seems, some members on these boards would feel uncomfortable if we had total freedom.
Two things are needed. Freedom to make arousing babeshows without fear, and secure access to channels by a range of independent operators. Right now its difficult for an independent to get an adult licence and channel and ruinously expensive. They are tolerated until they start pushing the boundaries by showing innovative conent or getting close to the knuckle. Then we see the chilling effect of Ofcom - any competitor can get a stooge to put in a series of complaints backdated a month (so its repeated breeches, not just one) and from then the channel is in a death spiral.
Result? The small number who stay in business toe the line and show dull conformist content because only that is guaranteed safe.
Should there be total freedom? Personally I draw the line at what is legal on film, in strip clubs and legal on DVD. Extreme S&M isnt just unpleasant, it raises serious questions about the mental health of the participants, and therefore their ability to give consent. I dont want to see insertion of an object so large is causes the orifice to split and need stitches. Full on nudity? Why not? Its been in every top shelf magazine for 40 years without society falling apart, and is accepted as normal and healthy in relationships. Full on sex? Provided there were measures to prevent accidental exposure, it didnt push other content off TV and with measures to protect the sexually immature, like the watershed and a special section of the EPG, again why not? Its not harmful, at worst it offends some people, but so do Tories and Tube Drivers. If anything budget live porn can dispel the myth that real women look like supermodels and men perform like those copper topped batteries, and that surely will help some men accept ordinary women as they are. Is that so terrible?
Gone fishing
06-10-2011 23:28 |
Posts: 8,304
Joined: Jan 2010
RE: Is censorship a necessary evil
Yes on reflection SKY really don't give a fuck what is broadcast so long as you can cough up the money to pay for the EPG slot but part of the big problem is Ofcom and would be interested parties are shit scared of them as the cost of possible fines just doesn't make good business sense for anybody who wishes to start up any kind of risque channel. Only when Ofcom go might we see a return to the days of anything goes TV, it's not just the babe channels that are feeling the wrath of Ofcom it's every channel.
09-10-2011 01:55 |