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RE: People's Vote
(20-03-2019 18:32 )Dan Volatile Wrote: Some fellow had a little dig at me a while ago. I'd never seen him before and I can't remember his name - massive_prick or something like that I think.
His basic premise was along the lines of:
"Unlike remain voters I am an intelligent and thoughtful person and after long and hard deliberation on the subject I have rather pompously reached the conclusion that I was right all along and that the other lot are a bunch of liars lacking in compassion, honesty, integrity and all other human virtue.
He rehashes some of the tired old remainer arguments that are used to justify the campaign to reverse the vote, such as:
"They didn't know what they were voting for"
Well actually we did know what we were voting for because the Remain campaign insisted on telling us. They told us not to think for a minute that it was only a protest vote, they said that a vote to leave would actually result in us leaving (and you don't really want that do you dear?).
They said we would also leave the single market, they said we would leave the customs union, they said we would leave the EU full stop.
Yes that's what they told us.
Unfortunately for them, millions of senile old people, thick working class Northerners, gammons etc told them to sod off, we want to leave regardless.
Yes those are some of the things they call us these paragons of compassion, intelligence, magnaminity and so on.
One of the posters claims particularly alarmed me, however. Namely that leaving the EU will result in people dying of starvation.
I have to say that I think that might be a teeny-weeny exaggeration.
Surely the world would not stand by and let that happen. I'm sure the emergency airlifts would keep us going until we reintroduce rationing, dig for victory and start baking Woolton Pies.
Ah hang on a minute, I forgot that the Remain campaigners have said that the aviation system will collapse after Brexit.
Oh well better get down to Waitrose and stock up on the quinoa and curly kale.
20-03-2019 18:48 |