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RE: Final Crisis
Bruce's dad has stayed dead! it was just Dr. Simon Hurt saying it to try and push Bruce over. I thought RIP was brill, it was all about the psychological.
Quite a few have stayed dead tho. Some were brought back due to popularity. Plus comics are all about the fantasy, so what if they bring people back?
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2009 23:25 by Shandy.)
01-02-2009 23:23 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Final Crisis
Off the top of my head, ones that have died and stayed dead are Abin Sur, Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley), Ted Kord, Captain Boomerang, Bart Allen, Jack Drake (tim drake's dad), The Question, Gwen Stacey. But like i said, comics are fantasy, they can do what they want and bring anyone back if they want to. Most the time its either down to popularity or for a plot.
01-02-2009 23:32 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Final Crisis
I think my list was about 50/50 and off the top of my head. I will give you Jack Drake, but the rest were fairly susbstantial and important characters! I doubt they will bring Bart Allen back, not now Wally and Barry are around along with Jay.
You could argue that some of the current ones that have come back to the dead aren't the same as they're clones, from paralell earths or time has changed so they never died.
Like I said, its comics, they're fantasy, fiction, people will no doubt get brought back, half the time it will be for good plot reasons, sometimes it won't. No doubt there will be some suprise returns with Blackest Night, since anyone that's currently dead can come back as a black lantern.
if they bring a character back, i approach it open minded, most times, its good to have them back, like Hal Jordan, Jason Todd, Ollie Queen and others.
02-02-2009 22:37 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Final Crisis
I don't read much marvel, so can't really comment on that. As for Jason Todd, at first i thought it was a bit crap, but they've turned him into a good character thru the whole Countdown thing, he's got good motivation, he feels wronged in the whole thing.
04-02-2009 00:47 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Final Crisis
i know what you mean, but i think it was the fact that heroes don't really kill people, well the good guys i mean, but he did. so i feel that in that context it was a big thing.
04-02-2009 21:15 |