The social system is broken. Labour and the Tories have pretty much both admitted that.
But even then they have not told the full story as to how absolutely chronically dire the state of so many things are as per this linked post
The chosen 'solutions' have been established because of an emphasis on a set of ridiculous fiscal rules that the Chancellor has self imposed giving her no flexibility to do much other than cut, cut and cut again or alternatively mess around with NI contributions on employers in such a way it benefits neither the employer or the employee.
All so the government can loosely claim it is abiding by it's own fiscal rules.
Painful, difficult decisions are a fact of government life but the judgement calls made so far to my mind are wrong. Far better just to tell everyone straight.
'Look everything is a mess, we can't cut things any further on the basis that surgeries, hospitals, schools, universities, prisons, social care, border control, benefits, child maintenance, the courts, social services, councils and so, so much more are already in a parlous state.'
So phased income tax rises across the board on a sliding scale with the richest paying the largest increases and the poorest paying the smallest increases would seem a reasonably fair way forward.
The current policy agenda seems to me to be a degrading, dehumanising attack on the already vulnerable and an attack on the nature of the system that should be in place to protect them.
Really quite unedifying.