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The Incompetent Liz Truss

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SecretAgent Offline
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Post: #71
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
A senior Tory MP has reportedly said that they can never accuse Labour of having a magical money tree again or claim Tories are fiscally conservative.

This is shit or bust politics and is going to be very messy.

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23-09-2022 20:53
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #72
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
So the tories have removed the cap on bankers bonuses & abolished the top rate of income tax whilst at the same time taking money from people on universal credit

Levelling up....yeah right

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 24-09-2022 11:10 by Rammyrascal.)
23-09-2022 22:01
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #73
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
Just read an interesting article basically slamming this whole fiasco. it was saying how this shit or bust policy has already been declared shit by the response from the markets, and how it may well end up that most of these policies may have to be rolled back if the markets continue to tank, and particularly if the pound slumps, and the BoE has to take steps to shore things up.

Immediately reminded me of Harold Wilsons labour government being forced by the banks to reverse a number of policies or face economic ruin, but this is a Tory government heading in the same direction, going up against the very institutions they usually defend and support!

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

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24-09-2022 06:59
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The Silent Majority Offline
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Post: #74
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
Of course it's always possible Truss has been a LibDem sleeper agent all these years.

Sent in to fuck the Tories from the inside...
24-09-2022 07:58
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #75
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
yeah its like 1972 all over again and Barbour as chancellor mind you if history repeats itself truss will call a GE in early 2024 and we get a labour goverment Tongue Tongue Tongue

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24-09-2022 08:15
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #76
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
jesus even corbyn could have never fucked up the country so bad in the 3 years since the general election

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24-09-2022 08:17
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #77
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
In 2017 The Times printed “Jeremy Corbyn [as PM] could spark a run on the pound”.

Who would have thought that it was this government to take it down to a 37 year low.

24-09-2022 09:40
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #78
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
The AA have said that the devaluation of the pound will cost on average an extra £5 to fill up your car.

24-09-2022 14:02
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #79
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
if the news from china proves to be correct then could be a lot more pain when the markets open on monday it was going to be bad could be 10 times worse

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
24-09-2022 16:05
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #80
RE: Liz Truss - Prime Minister and her Government
Stories appearing that the Chief of Staff is paid by lobbying companies. bladewave

25-09-2022 09:19
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