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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #41
RE: Ofcom
The following was posted by Cherry in the sexstation online section today.
In the thread Sexstation suddenly gone shy?

hiya every1 we r being carefull at the mo as we have had a warning from ofcom (as all the channels have)and another company has just recived a £26000 fine for there web show as they advertise it on the 3 to view sky shows the same as us, and ofcom r saying they will fine sex station or blue kiss show if we continue to promote the web show on our sky channels.
we r in the process of changing the graphics on the sky shows this week, thats y we can only do closed legs nude, but if u wont more than that go on to our cam chat or 3g.
if we do open legs or rubbing minge we become an over 18 r show we will get fined or closed down so ofcom tell us, but we r looking at ways to get round this.
hope that helps
luv cherry xxxxx

Looks like things will be getting worse. Sad
25-05-2009 19:03
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vostok 1 Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Ofcom
The fine was for TVX advertising their website during the daytime, unencrypted on Sky.
As said in a previous thread:

DanVox Wrote:OfCom have made it clear that URLs to hardcore sites cannot be broadcast AT ANY TIME. Not even at 1am on a channel in the adult section. But excatly the same channels CAN broadcast ads for sexually explicit chat lines, 3G live video services and hardcore movies for mobiles, after the watershed, on unencrypted free to air channels. Seriously, if one of the channels took OfCom to Court for "perverse" decision making by a public body, eg irrational and inconsistent, they might win.
25-05-2009 19:14
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vila Offline
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Post: #43
RE: Ofcom
TheWatcher Wrote:The following was posted by Cherry in the sexstation online section today.
In the thread Sexstation suddenly gone shy?

thats y we can only do closed legs nude
As a Freeview viewer, I have to say that ANY kind of nude would be a giant step in the right direction!
26-05-2009 00:35
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #44
RE: Ofcom
Further to Cherry's post yesterday, the sexstation live web show is not being shown today.
They are just showing a repeat of Candy from the Sky sexstation show instead.
It must be due to ofcom. The show's producers would not choose to do this voluntarily.
26-05-2009 12:59
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #45
RE: Ofcom
the sexstation show is on as im watching right now so must have been a technical problem not ofcom

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
26-05-2009 16:43
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #46
RE: Ofcom
Rammyrascal Wrote:the sexstation show is on as im watching right now so must have been a technical problem not ofcom
It was off for at least 4 hours. Looking at the posts in the forum it looks like it might not have come on until 5pm. ie off for 6 hours.
26-05-2009 16:53
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