Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,
It is nearly 2 months on, and time for a 'Half Term' assessment of some of the now not-so-new intake!
There have also been some brand new girls that have come in, but I haven't seen enough of them yet to comment with authority - maybe next time!
Heather Kay -
Holding station at the top of the second set. Threatened to cross the chasm to the Elite Set occupied by Evelyn and Fern, with efforts to emulate Evelyn's 2100-2200 unofficial tease hours. These were excellent performances but, ultimately, too staccato and Heather couldn't sustain the momentum during any given hour. Reverted to burying her head in her mobile and disengaging from the main camera in between calls. A fatal error that too many babes make. Needs to learn the art of teasing to callers and cammers simultaneously, and
building steadily without interruptions or flagging, to a crescendo (err..climax even

) towards 2200. Nevertheless, some cracking outfits and lovely breast and panties action for Main Feed Tease Fans (MFTF). Can't comment on her call-skills, but they can't be bad judging by her popularity! Pity the tease action has fallen away a little of late. Current compliance climate might be a factor here but don't discount babe apathy setting in. Let's hope not!
Seems my original review was spot on. One-dimensional, and content to tread water presenting the same work time and time again.
Jamie Jones
Improving rapidly recently, let's hope this girl realises her full potential. Seems much more comfortable and at ease with the shows and sets. Complacency a danger if it sets in - could hold her back from moving up from the mid-3rd Set to lower 2nd Set.
Bella Nicole
Another who has done little to wear out my keyboard beyond my original commentary. An also-ran, as predicted, but nevertheless has her fans and will do sterling work as a rota-filler journeybabe.
Gigi Petite
Well, I am struggling to think of the last time a shooting star has fallen so quickly down the league of anticipation and excitement for Main Feed Tease Fans. Gigi has settled into a formulaic office-set routine, offering no stimulation or encouragement for her once-burgeoning, now dwindling, MFTF audience. She is, having said that, more than satisfying pervecammers as they enjoy looking up her skirt to her glorious vulva. Remains a 2nd Set performer due solely to her pervecam exploits, but fading fast in the memory are her glory days and she is in danger of sinking into a berth deep in the recesses of the 3rd Set as a cam-specialist. A great shame, because she could go all the way into the hall of fame as an all-rounder, and be Head Girl material, if she only had the ambition.
Headmaster, St Trinians Tease Academy