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The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power

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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #11
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
^^^ the thing is that’s what happens with all prequel shows or even movies you know how things are gonna end up or which characters have to survive.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
18-10-2022 15:09
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skully Offline

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Post: #12
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
True, but they're taking creative licence to a whole new level considering the show is based on not much more than footnotes. lol.

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19-10-2022 10:56
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terence Offline

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Post: #13
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
i figured out the big twist 10 mins before they revealed it. maybe that was how it was designed, but i'm taking credit anyway!

i enjoyed it on the whole, but i agree with skully, better writers going forward might be in order. Smile

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19-10-2022 11:16
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #14
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
I would rather someone be creative then totally take some of thing that is already there at least there is little Intrigue. With the reveal at the end with that guy if you go back to everything he ever said in all the eps he was in he was hinting it all along so it adds context now.
It’s biggest for me isn’t the writing so much it’s the pacing similar issue with Star Wars Andor, there so slow in picking up the pace and moving along with the story that I do hope they improve in season 2.

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19-10-2022 19:51
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #15
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
14-05-2024 13:43
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Phrygian Dominant

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Post: #16
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
I was in a moment where I had F'all to watch and was scrolling through Amazon, Disney, Sky and after watching Gen V for the second time (which is awesome and worth checking out imo Wink), I was kind of looking for something similar.....anyway I saw The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and don't get me wrong, I'm no Lord of The Rings fan.

I have seen the original trio but I haven't seen The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey or the movies that followed and I had seen no reviews about this series before going into it, possibly because of a lack of interest - so anyway I chose this to watch.

I binged watched the entire 1st season this week and today I finished with the finale of season 1 - Personally I was blown away, great special effects, great acting (props to Morfydd Clark for playing Galadriel, I thought she was brilliant throughout).

This is definitely something I'll stick with as season 2 premieres on 29th August.

I get the criticism of what some of you guys are saying but this series is pretty amazing imo - stunning visuals, acting brilliant. I was hooked throughout. It's done on an epic scale and imo, each episode almost feels like a movie in it's own right.

Bring on season 2 because this rivals any series on tv atm even though I'm not a Lord of The Rings fan. I would highly recommend this.

15-08-2024 15:39
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Phrygian Dominant

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Post: #17
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
Looking forward to this, I've been reading quite a lot of hype regarding of how this season is paced (obviously at a quicker level, if that's what is to be believed by some of the reviews I've read online). As always I will make up my own judgement when the time comes but although the first season did get a bit of flack of the slow going build up - apparently this 2nd season does have a quicker pace, but this is only those that have seen chunks of season 2 - so going into this season, as much as I loved the 1st season, I'll remain open minded about how the story unfolds. Hopefully for the guys on here, that have quite rightly had their own opinions about the show, are going to be pleased....lets hope so because it's a cracking spectacle of a show and the characters are all great......obviously apart from that evil shit Sauron Big Grin

24-08-2024 14:09
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #18
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
There’s no doubt that visually the show looks great but for its biggest for me is there’s too many storylines plots going at the same time and the usually moustache twirling villain. Not liking season 2.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
05-09-2024 01:34
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Phrygian Dominant

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Post: #19
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
I sort of agree in the sense that there does appear to be quite a lot of plot lines going on. As some mentioned about the first season regarding the pacing and as some critics have also mentioned this that I've read online, but also again, so far I've not found it too much of an offput to distance myself from watching what is to follow in the coming episodes.

I don't find the multiple plot lines hard to follow and I don't find them intrusive to the evolving story, but agree that there is a lot going on. The Villain is a bit non Villain like in a way, if that makes any sense lol.

Whereas the first season focused quite a lot on the characters of Galadriel and Elrond, the start of this season has seemingly left them on the sidelines somewhat, which is a shame.

I'll continue to watch this no doubt and I guess, I'll make a proper analysis of this season when it finishes.
05-09-2024 12:14
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #20
RE: The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power
It’s being reported that the show will run for five seasons.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
13-09-2024 01:19
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