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New e-petition rules for Downing Street Website

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eccles Offline
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Post: #31
RE: New e-petition rules for Downing Street Website
I still think they should go for advertising revenue. People who watch babeshows buy everyday products. The argument against this is that porn mags dont carry ads for everyday products either, becuase companies like to be seen as family friendly.

Yeah? Were only talking about soft channels, free to air babe channels, not hard(er) channels that get subscription revenue. Banks, supermarkets and healthcare companies might not want the association, but would it hurt a razor company, a deodorant brand or a brewery?

Another option would be for the entire free Adult section to be part of an Adult package at £1 a month, like Music and Lifestyle. Theres a lot of people who dont phone in but wouldnt think twice about £1 a month, giving a lot of revenue to be divvied up.

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07-08-2011 00:43
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Roquentin Offline
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Post: #32
RE: New e-petition rules for Downing Street Website
We really have digressed a bit on this thread huh, sorry.

But in for a penny in for a pound Big Grin Yeah Eccles and Sweetsugar, I still disagree (but enjoying thinking about it - its good to thrash it out properly). The way I see it, roughly selecting a few fake stats to illustrate. I think millions come across the babechannels by accident through casual surfing having gotten sky/freeview. Of those millions, tens or hundreds of thousands start watching casually, then of those watchers maybe thousands are callers after months or even years have past (in my case).

I honestly think if you put in an opt in, even a one off opt in, then you might cut the initial stat by half or even more. Wouldnt that cut the final income by as much? But any further filter barrier would cut it by some proportion and even if it was only 10% it would be a problem. Its one thing to think about ticking a box for us now having watched the channels for ages and knowing what we are talking about, but others, including parents etc, who get the system for the first time might not think to tick it. A small subscription charge would be even more offputting and cut the revenue by much more than 50% I think. Not because of the expense, but because of the hassle/caution and for purchasing something slightly unknown.

Further, I would say the frame of mind in the cold light of day is different than when casually surfing late at night. I really think if it had been an opt in system, no matter how painless, then I would never have done so especially not knowing what the babechannels were like until watching lazily at night doing nothing. Softer teaser trailers might work a bit, but they dont so far for me for the encrypted channels there already, so I dont think they would work for babechannels.

I remember there was an advertising campaign last year for a number of encrypted channels for a penny. Sophie Reid was part of the campaign and I was a little tempted, but still didnt bother.
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2011 02:51 by Roquentin.)
07-08-2011 02:47
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Money_Shot Offline
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Post: #33
RE: New e-petition rules for Downing Street Website
Roquentin - I'm not sure you really "casually surf" channels in the 900's on Sky, unless your curious about what the Adult section has to offer.
I admit back in the old days when the babeshows started off in the 100-200 channels, I stumbled across them. now a days they are and have been in the 900's. Therefore I fail to see an accidental stumble, unless, like I say of course your in the market for adult entertainment any how.

Entering a pin would be a pain in the arse every time you changed channel, that would kill the channels. Entering a pin once per evening wouldn't be such a bad idea. One other thing is though, the pin needs to be made clear you are not paying for the access. I think some people might get confused that by having to enter a pin into an adult channel it means you will be charged for this, or it might show up on the bill.
07-08-2011 10:19
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Roquentin Offline
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Post: #34
RE: New e-petition rules for Downing Street Website
Hey MoneyShot, thanks for the thoughts. I'm not invested in this or anything, I am just a pain in the arse who feels compelled to debate, meh.

Tempted to repeat myself a bit but will resist. Just to say, whatever system of opt in would inevitably reduce the numbers who access over years, due to not quite fully knowing what it is beforehand (not us lot obviously, we'd opt in immediately). Just depends by what proportion but I think alot. Am I the only one who thinks so?? hehe fair enough then Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2011 13:32 by Roquentin.)
07-08-2011 13:29
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eccles Offline
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Post: #35
RE: New e-petition rules for Downing Street Website
(07-08-2011 02:47 )Roquentin Wrote:  Further, I would say the frame of mind in the cold light of day is different than when casually surfing late at night. I really think if it had been an opt in system, no matter how painless, then I would never have done so especially not knowing what the babechannels were like until watching lazily at night doing nothing.

First hand info. Hard to argue with that. Perhaps I have under estimated the motivation of ordinary blokes.

Gone fishing
07-08-2011 22:56
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