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The most common text question?

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DGxxx Away
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Post: #1
The most common text question?
Is it me, or is the question "Are you ticklish?"/"Are your feet ticklish?" (inevitably sent in by anon) the most common text question at the moment?

I first noticed when Shiny Helmet was said he was off to buy a tickling stick after Anna answered the question a few weeks ago but in the last couple of days Cleo, Lori and Leila have all been asked the question and I have seen quite a lot of the other girls answer the question (Minnie, Hannah, Emma and Amber I think) in the last couple of weeks.

Of what possible use is this information? Is it possible to have a tickling fetish?

Incidentally, I think they have all said they were very ticklish so either they always answer yes to keep the texter "happy" or BSD/PP only employs very ticklish girls. Either way, anon could save some money on his phone bill by not bothering asking.

Can any one think of a question that is asked more often? I would have previously thought "Are you single?" or "How old are you?" would have been top but I'm not so sure at the moment.

25-01-2009 18:09
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cherryryder Offline

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Post: #2
RE: The most common text question?
the most frequent questions do seem to come from the feet lovers..
25-01-2009 18:13
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #3
RE: The most common text question?
you're very right, i've noticed that the last coupla days! and lori was asked twice in a week! waste of money really since if you google her, it comes up with that on yahoo answers
25-01-2009 18:14
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Sm© Away

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Post: #4
RE: The most common text question?
the most popular must be "get them out!" lol
the guys are good at editing things.

i texted lori a while back saying her nips were great, it came on screen , lori you are greatSad

worth a try!
25-01-2009 18:28
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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #5
RE: The most common text question?
DGxxx, tickling fetish is very common apparently. Can't see why, but each to their own. Google "tickling fetish" and see the amount of hits you get! Myfreepaysite even has a section of videos devoted to it somewhere, unbelievable!

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
25-01-2009 18:45
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jungleboy Offline
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Post: #6
RE: The most common text question?
The one i see quite often is moan ....... while doing something.

"Insert funny comment here"
25-01-2009 21:38
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DGxxx Away
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Post: #7
RE: The most common text question?
mr gummidge Wrote:DGxxx, tickling fetish is very common apparently. Can't see why, but each to their own. Google "tickling fetish" and see the amount of hits you get! Myfreepaysite even has a section of videos devoted to it somewhere, unbelievable!

Holly shit, there's tons of tickle stuff out there! I'm sure all the girls are looking for a guy to tie them up and tickle them senseless...
(This post was last modified: 26-01-2009 20:46 by DGxxx.)
26-01-2009 20:46
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Dreamlander Offline

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Post: #8
RE: The most common text question?
The daytime one I see a fair bit is 'What are your plans for the weekend? I've got two tickets to 'event name' I'd love to go with you! AS F***ING IF !!! Big Grin Your tickets just cost you £1.50 more!

26-01-2009 21:04
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Colbert Rules Offline
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Post: #9
RE: The most common text question?
I loved Lelia at the weekend talking about the guys pictures. 'My word (guys name) I am impressed...I have never seen one that size! Please keep sending your pics in...I do like comparing you boys'

"If loving Leila was a crime, Colbert would be on Death Row."
27-01-2009 02:51
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Sylar Offline
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Post: #10
RE: The most common text question?
My favourite;
"Would you be interested in seeing a tarantuila fight a grasshopper?"
27-01-2009 11:36
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